APTi Survey

link to APTi membership survey video – long version       link to transcript of survey video – long version      link to OPEN ME FIRST video

link to APTi membership survey video – short version     link to transcript of survey video – short version    link to OPEN ME FIRST table of contents

The videos are password protected. The passwords are in the email sent to you regarding this survey. If you need the password, please use the form below or the Contact Us Page.

The form below is multi-purpose. In addition to using it to provide questions (and associated comments/explanations) you think should be on the survey use it as a general purpose tool for asking questions, commenting on the videos/transcripts or anything else related to the survey. If commenting on the videos there is no need to specify which video as it is automatically included in the message we receive. All contact information is confidential. In addition to helping us respond to questions/concerns you might have it will help us with any follow-up needed for clarification of topics and comments provided.
